What is a Precinct Leader?

Precinct Leaders are the backbone of the Republican State Central Committee of Anne Arundel County (RSCCAAC or AAGOP) grassroots efforts. A Precinct Leader is a local representative of the Republican Party in each voting precinct and they are responsible for organizing their precinct. They identify Republican voters, voters who lean Republican and those who may be persuaded to vote Republican. After the voter ID work is done, the Precinct Leader coordinates efforts to meet voters, educate and encourage Republican voters to go to the polls and vote during early voting or on Election Day.
Precinct Leaders must be:
- Residents of their voting precinct (preferred)
- Registered voters
- Not a candidate for or hold a county, state or federal elected office
Duties of a Precinct Leader:
- Participate in the Republican Party’s General Election Get-Out-the-Vote (GOTV) program that includes voter registration drives, precinct walks where applicable, yard sign distribution and computerized telephone voter turnout campaign
- Recruit Precinct volunteer workers
- Maintain a list of volunteers with contact information and areas of expertise
- Work with the RSCCAAC to train volunteers on implementing the Republican Party’s Precinct programs and campaign activities
- Attend meetings with District Coordinator and/or RSCCAAC
- Communicate need for political activism such as speaking at council meetings or writing letters to the editor
- Coordinate the location of candidate signs at your precint’s polling location for early voting and Election Day; inform voters of the location for Election Day and early voting locations
- Mentor emerging leaders in your precinct and AA County
- The term of office expires on quadrennial basis with each term of the RSCCAAC
- I like to talk about politics, but is being a Precinct Leader any fun?
Yes, if you are open, honest, and positive about who and what you are for, being a Precinct Leader can be engaging, rewarding and yes, fun. You may be the first and primary person that voters who are or want to be Republicans have ever had with the Republican Party. It a great way to impact our community, build friendships and meet your neighbors! - How would I, as a Precinct Leader, increase the Republican votes?
We’ll provide you with the training and lists from our database of voters. With this tool, you can identify other known Republican neighbors in your precinct. Highly interested and engaged neighbors can be recruited to volunteer and encouraged to vote. This is the core of grassroots politics; neighbors talking to neighbors. It makes a huge difference if you know the person asking you to support a candidate.
Do you have what it takes to be a Precinct Leader?
Authority: Republican State Central Committee of Anne Arundel County, Jordan Cooper, Treasurer —— P.O. Box 6291, Annapolis, MD 21401
Anne Arundel County Central Committee © 2022. All Rights Reserved.